Piston and
Connecting Rod Removal - If
Rotate the Flywheel until the two
1/4" bolts on the big end of the Connecting Rod are
accessible, remove these bolts using a 5/16" socket
and the ratchet. Once the bolts are removed the
big end bearing cap of the connecting rod can easily be
removed. This will disconnect the Connecting Rod
from the Crankshaft. This will also remove the Oil
Stirring Arm which is attached to the big end of the Connecting
Rod by one of the connecting rod bolts.
- Remove the Piston from the Cylinder Block
by pushing it upwards and out using the Connecting Rod.
As shown below. Do not allow the connecting rod to
scratch the crankpin journal.

- Please review the following pictures but DO NOT remove the Connecting Rod
the Piston. First, using the marker indicate on
the Connecting Rod the letters that correspond to
the letters on each side of the Piston. These letters are
found on the bottom side of the Piston and are
usually "X" and some other letter. By properly
marking the piston, correct re-assembly will be assured.

- Please review the following pictures but DO NOT remove the Connecting Rod from
the Piston. The Piston can be detached from the
small end of the Connecting Rod by removing the Piston
Pin. This is accomplished by using the needle nose
pliers to carefully twist and pull the
spring clip out of the Piston as shown.

- Please review the following pictures but DO NOT remove the Piston
Pin. The Piston Pin can now be carefully tapped
out of the Piston by using the wooden dowel and
hammer. Do not let the wrist pin fall on
the floor or get scratched.

6. DO NOT attempt to remove the Piston
Compression Rings as they are very fragile and can be easily